Monday, February 17, 2020

Rappelz Epic 5: Dragonic Age | Playing Guide

Every now and then you will come a cross a game that has the right combination of gameplay, graphics and diversity to really get your attention. For most of us this is a very subjective process. It depends if we are more sci-fi or fantasy, more roleplaying or gameplaying, more solo or more partying.

Rappelz is a great game, in my opinion. The race/class balance is spot on, the graphics are very nice, the community is active and fun to be around and the pet system is the BEST out of any MMORPG out there! I have played Rappelz on and off since Epic 3 and have a very good feel for the game, so I decided to post this Rappelz Playing Guide - an in depth review and guide to playing Rappelz.

GALA-NET has a bad habit of restructuring the game mechanics, in such a way that the build that you have been trying to perfect with your character may end up useless. Game mechanics as well as pet skills and abilities often become derelict after major game updates. During the last two however, Epic 4: Revolution and Epic 5: Dragonic Age, the core game mechanics seem to have stabilized (so any character you might have should not become nerfed anymore). The only thing that does appear to be changing are the pet skills, but I will only talk about the game in its most current state, so here goes: Enter Rappelz in the Dragonic Age!!!

Download Size: 1.93 GB
Install Size: 3.70 GB

The game client lacks powerful mirrors, so be sure to use a download manager. The game updates could take up to an hour to complete, even after the lengthy installation.


There are 3 races you can choose from in Rappelz, each one representing one of the balancing attributes in nature:

Deva (Light): The Deva are divine creatures who protect and uphold the virtues of light. Their main characteristics are high defence and healing.

Holy Warrior | Cleric | Breeder

Gaia (Earth): The Gaia are humans charged with keeping and balancing the forces of nature. Their main characteristic is high damage and strength.

Fighter | Kahuna | Spell Singer

Asura (Dark): The Asura are creatures of darkness that thrive from strife and live for battle. Their main characteristic is high agility and attack speed.

Strider | Dark Magician | Sorcerer

Basic Game Information

When you first start the game, you only pick the race you want to play as. Each race has a warrior, magic user and pet class, so that withing each race you can find a class that fits your style. Each race also has its own basic passive and active skill set.

The skills and abilities of each class are pretty much unique, which makes playing Rappelz quite enjoyable, even if you choose to start over as an other class.

Basic Leveling: EXP and JP

When you kill monsters and complete quests in Rappelz, you gain experience (EXP) and job points (JP):
EXP is automatically added to your character and determines what level you are.
JP is stockpiled and can be used by the player to enhance your active and passive Skills.

To gain access to better skills, you need to raise your Job Level also. Each time you do so, your basic stats such as Vitality, Strength and Inteligence increase also. Early in the game it is often better to just buy the first level of most active/attack skills and concentrate on raising your overall Jlvl and passive abilities. That way you will be overall stronger and more durable, so that you can stay alive easier.


First Class Transfer: At lvl 10 and jlvl 10, you can pick what class you want to play as.

Second Class Transfer: At lvl50 and jlvl40, each class is further split into subclasses where you can further specify what kind of class abilities you want, which enables you to gain advanced class-specific abilities. Many players however, choose to Overbreed.

Overbreeding means that instead of picking your second class transfer at lvl50 and jlvl40, a player chooses to stick with their class for a little longer and increase their jlvl further. This can be done up to a maximum of jlvl50. It takes about 5-7 extra levels to accumulate the necessary JP (about 600k jp!), but in the end your character is quite stronger, with moderately increased stats.

My Advice: If you are a occasional player, it is not worth doing. If you are determined to play the game for some time, then you should definitely go for it.

In the following pages, I have a summary of each class type, so you can make your initial decision of what Race you want to go with. I also have detailed information on each class, and their second abilities so that you can make a decision early on, as to what type of character you want to play. I encourage you to read on to the Pet section, as obtaining and raising pets is one of the funnest parts of Rappelz (which is French for Summon, as in Summon a Pet).

Class Discussion

Before even selecting a race you should think of what kind of character you want to play. I am happy to say that Rappelz does offer a wide variety of classes with unique skills and I have never felt that there was a character class that is not represented in the game.

If you refer to the Rappelz links page, you will be able to find several guides to what each class has to offer. On the other hand, if you choose any class to start off with, within a few weeks you will be exposed to enough of the game to know enough about what kind of character to play on your second try. It is very common for players to have multiple alts (alternate characters).

Adorable Fanart showing a Cleric and a Kahuna hanging out with their pet Pantera, somewhere around the arid wastelands of Katan. The moody environment doesnt seem to bother these two. Making friends in the game is an essential part to all MMOs.

For first time players the options are actually quite simple. I refer to the first job transfer here only, that happens at Level 10 and Job Level 10 (more on that later):

* HEALERS: Deva Cleric or a Gaia Kahuna.
* DAMAGE DEALERS: Deva Holy Warrior, Gaia Fighter, Asura Strider.
* TANK: Deva Holy Warrior or Gaia Fighter.
* MAGICIAN: Asura Dark Magician.
* RANGED FIGHTER: Gaia Fighter (bow) or Asura Strider (crossbow).
* PET USERS: Deva Breeder, Gaia Spell Singer or Asura Sorcerer.

In the pages that follow I will dedicate a page for each class. I have left a lot of the discussion out of these pages, because I want you to decide on your own what kind of character you want to play.

It is completely irrelevant how the specific class fits in with the rest of the game mechanics, because you will enjoy a character and the stat customization you put into it more, if it is your own.

Thats what I believe and I will offer my own suggestions for each class, especially for the types of characters I have played.

Please read on!

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